Multiplier Event in IWM Erfurt, Germany 29th of March, 2023

End of March 2023, we had the opportunity to hold a final multiplier event within the Think Social project. Our aim was to present and exchange on the results of the 2,5 years work within the project.

In a first step, the underlying idea as well as the main outputs of the project were presented:

First and foremost, the emphasis was on the innovative elements of the project: The Think Social augmented reality game and the online learning platform including an open badge system. Furthermore, the learning modules and pilot of the capacity building training were introduced.

Additionally, the event offered room to discuss and exchange on the presented results as well as to present and discuss own ideas, initiatives, needs and experiences considering the Think Social topics.

With the event, we hope to contribute to foster the social entrepreneurship motion in local communities.

Another important aim was to give local social entrepreneurs – who partly already participated in the Think Social pilot training in 2022 – visibility and to encourage them to proceed with their idea. Therefore, a networking and exchange session was crucial to the meeting.

Before the event we reached out to different kinds of local communities: In the end we could win local migrant and migrant umbrella organizations, information centers on entrepreneurship, young social entrepreneurs, volunteers of local initiatives and NGOs in the fields of sustainability, migration/integration, environment, arts, sports, as well as individual TCN interested in the topic to participate.