Multiplier Event in University of Castilla La Mancha 29/03/2023

On the 29th of March in collaboration with UCLM Dramblys has organized a Multiplier Event aiming
to showcase the results of the project. During the event THINK SOCIAL main achievements and results
have been introduced to the participants. The professors Inmaculada Carrasco Monteagudo and Miguel
Ángel Gómez Borja made a presentation on the case study of El Sembrador Foundation.

Any form of entrepreneurship, and social entrepreneurship in particular, requires a certain set of
attitudes and skills to face the challenges that the entrepreneur is going to face. Among them, we can
highlight: the lack of funding, the lack of knowledge in business management and the difficulty of
assessing the social impact. To tackle this topic a SocialFinanceLab project has been introduced to the
participants, which arises as a response to the needs and challenges detected among those people
who decide to become entrepreneurs, offering a free online platform free online platform that allows
access to quality knowledge and learning through the experiences of other entrepreneurs.

After the above mentioned presentations, THINK SOCIAL hackathon and Lego workshop has been
implemented, aiming to answer the emerging local social challenges. To finalise the event, a space
for informal networking has been offered for the participants to further exchange questions,
experiences and insights gained during the event.