Social Hackathon

October 15th, 2022 | Saline 34 (Erfurt)

Why hackathon? Why social?

About it

CGE Erfurt e.V. has a history with trainings for solving social challenges. Once in two years we organise hackathons to inspire people to think about improving their lives in Thuringia. This autumn 2022 we cooperate with IWM Erfurt.

A social hackathon is an event where activists, entrepreneurs, and creative people come together to find a solution for a specific selection of social problems in a very short period of time. The time pressure and additional learning opportunities (mini-workshops) help the participants to reach the best conclusion.

Ideas Creation

Get inspired by a dynamic program to create a new sustainable concept.

Gaining Experience

It's also is time and space for your personal growth and development.

Helping Community

By resolving an existing social issue, lift up others and give them a voice.

Future Possibilities

Acquire new contacts and open doors for yourself and your endeavours.

What we will try to solve?

The challenges

In autumn 2022 we opted for presenting the stories of two existing dilemmas in Erfurt, which require crowd thinking and public engagement to revolve.

Ilversgehofen for Diversity

Every community can greatly benefit from including multicultural stakeholders. This also applies to the neighbourhood of Ilversgehofen in Erfurt. It’s home for various socio-cultural actors as well as a full range political groups.

What can be done to ensure the district remains inclusive and diverse? How can this help buffer against radicalisation and discrimination? What is the role of an individual in this situation? Let’s Think Social!

Integration through Urban Gardening

The Erfurt migrant community is growing and diversifying! There is a strong need for informal spaces for groups to collaborate, participate and share their cultures. Recognising this, a group of university students and families with intercultural roots have gathered to create a community garden on a patch of land in Erfurt. 

There is a big aspiration and potential for their growth. How can we support to structure their voluntary work, develop a community building, and ensure sustainability of the initiative?

How to find the solutions?

The way

Better understanding

Dive deep into the topics by speaking to the experts and learning from the peers.

Managing resources

Teams, materials or grants – learn how to manage these all to benefit your solution!


Discover different funding opportunities in Thuringia for your cause.

Reaching the crowd

Create a unique presence online and gather attention to your idea.


Working languages: English and German.

Tea, coffee, refreshments, and a chance to connect with other participants, local activists and initiatives in the fields of education, integration and migration.

Welcome words by Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska.

“Ilversgehofen for Diversity”
Challenge Presentation: Oliver Gerbing, Ilversgehofen district.

“Integration through Urban Gardening”
Challenge Presentation: Robert Nesirky, spokesperson of the community.

The participants divide into the groups, based on their interest to take a challenge, they get to know each other and discuss the first ideas for solving the task.

The Design Thinking workshop by Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska will guide the participants through the “Empathise”, “Define” and “Ideate” stages to come up with a more concrete solution for the challenges.

During the next hour and a half, the participants can take a break and enjoy some fresh air in the backyard of the venue, as well as fetch the refreshments and have a bite. At the sam time, the attendees can sign up for the upcoming mini-workshops. 

The 45-minute long mini-sessions aim at providing expert knowledge inputs from the experts to stimulate finding better solutions for the challenges.

In English 🇬🇧:

  • What to do in case of discrimination? Contact persons in Thuringia (Was tun bei Diskriminierung? Ansprechpartner*innen in Thüringen) | DGB Bildungswerk
  • Setting Aims | Carla Molteni
  • Social Media for Social Cause | Marina Bykova

In German 🇩🇪:

  • Vernetzung: Wie finde ich Partner*innen für meine Idee? | Christoph Schaffarzyk
  • Fundraising: Woher und wie bekomme ich Geld für meine Idee? Praktische Tipps für (Mikro-)Förderung | Franziska Kindmann
  • Urban Gardening: Mehr als Gärtnern – Erfahrungen aus 15 Jahren Interkultureller Gemeinschaftsgarten | Eva Recknagel | Interkultureller Garten Erfurt

At this stage, the teams will prototype necessary materials or settings and move to the testing! After the testing and feedback round, the teams come back to finalise their ideas.

In the evening, the participants will be able to present their tested solutions for the wider audience. Digital wall will be used for voting and leaving a comment to the teams. The challenge presenters will have a chance to give their opinion to the solutions.

To sum-up the hackathon achievement, a short evaluation round will follow. Here we will also discuss the possibility to implement the developed ideas during the Hood-not-Kiez festival at the Ilversgehofen neighbourhood on the 29th of October, 2022.

At 22:00 we will close the official part of the Social Hackthon and continue as informal gathering with invited musicians.

The Social Hackathon reaches its end and so is the day.

Become the change you want to see in your community!

Register for the Social Hackathon

Fill in your detail in our registration form and we will get back to you with the confirmation.

There is only so much time left!

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