The Winter Social Entrepreneurs Academy of our #ThinkSocial project has taken place at Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar – EJBW this week!
As a key part of the Think Social – Promoting Social Entrepreneurial Mindsets cooperation, we are bringing together 18 migrant social entrepreneurs from to learn from each other in a peer-to-peer, non-formal education environment.
We are exploring through NFE how gender, migration and sustainability can be integrated into social entrepreneurship, to help unlock the potential of SE as a tool for social action.
We supported learning with study visits to Gründer Werkstatt Neudeli, Other Music Academy, Zusammen Lernen Arabic School, local artists, a tour from @decolonizeweimar, @dostlarerfurt, @projects_forabetterfuture and @ejbw_stiftung
After this mobility, participants will continue to work with our partners to develop their social enterprises, and our consortium, having further tested our learning materials, will finalise our modules and e-Learning platform.
This project is funded by the National Agency for Adult Education in Germany, as a cooperation partnership between
CGE Erfurt e.V. (coordinator)
IWM GmbH / ZLG e.V. IWM GmbH
IDEC IDEC Training Centre
Aknow – Asserted Knowledge
Emphasys Center Emphasys Centre
Spectrum Research Center CLG
Dramblys Dramblys
From the CGE hosting side, the Academy organisers team was supported by the European Solidarity Corps volunteers, Carla Molteni, Vladislav Artiukhov and Telma Roque. All of them had a chance to co-facilitate a session and support the study visits. A huge thank you goes to them for their hard work! 👏🏼
Think Social! is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.