Local Piloting in Cyprus – Sessions on Entrepreneurship

The pilot testing took place in two different groups (Group 1 and Group 2). Each group came two different sessions for 4 hours per session. Group 1: 09/12/2022 9AM-1:30PM and 16/12/2022 9AM- 1:30PM Group 2: 09/12/2022 14PM-18:30PM and 16/12/2022 14PM-18:30PM.

The programme was shared in two sessions:

  • Session 1: Introduction and definition of (social) entrepreneurship / Introduction to Think Social / Registration and navigation on the platform / Activity related to Module 1 (around 45 minutes) / Activity related to Module 2 (around 45 minutes) / Discussion + evaluation of session 1.
  • Session 2: Short revision and reminder of session 1 / Activity related to Module 3 (around 45 minutes) / Activity related to Module 4 (around 45 minutes) / Activity related to Module 5 (around 45 minutes) / Conclusion and discussion (questions and doubts) for the overall training.

Think Social! is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union ??.