The Think Social multiplier event was organised by Spectrum Research Centre in collaboration with
Cavan Volunteer Centre – a community based NGO in our region. The multiplier event was advertised
prior to the event inviting a wide range of local community groups, NGOs, adult education centres,
migrant support agencies and social entrepreneursfrom our region. E-invited and promotional posters
were also distributed to raise awareness about the project and the event. The main objective of the
multiplier event was to present all products and results of the Think Social project in order to raise
awareness and create interest in exploiting the project’s results by re-implementing the programme
again and utilising all resources. We also presented the impact of the project activities on the
participants, their organisations and the stakeholders involved in promoting social entrepreneurship,
as a grassroots initiative, that can lead to personal, social, environmental, community and economic
benefits. In addition to the presentations made by the team within SRC, we also invited three guest
speakers to enhance the event:
Teresa Walsh, Back for Business programme coordinator. Back for Business is a free enterprise
development programme to help citizensto start or develop a business. The scheme runs and
involves interactive sessions facilitated by Lead Entrepreneurs focussing on achieving goals
and milestones for your business. The aim of the programme is to support and address
challenges in starting, developing and positioning businesses for sustainability and growth.
The programme is available for those establishing a social enterprise. We choose this initiative
as it offers longer-term enterprise supports to the Think Social participants beyond the project
Maryam Temile – Migrant Support Worker engaged as part of a large independent migrantled national network that supports migrant communities to engage with all aspects of Irish
social, political, economic and cultural life on an equal footing, thereby maximizing the
leadership capacity within new communities in Ireland.
Olena Aleksieic – USG: Ukraine refugee who spoke about her personal experience of being
social entrepreneur in Ireland as a migrant.